ARTICLE  FROM 97.7 THE BEACH, by Catherine Thompson  

Friends of the Central Park Project are staging a protest march on Monday afternoon.

A group of people in Collingwood aren't letting councillors off the hook.

Friends of the Collingwood Central Park Project are staging a protest march on Monday afternoon.

The group will meet at Central Park on Hume Street at 4 PM and march to town hall to greet councillors as they arrive for their 5 PM Council meeting.
At a rally outside town hall last Monday afternoon, as many as 150 people waved signs and shouted their slogan: "Do It Once, Do It Right".

The group claims there were 255 people.

The protestors are upset with council's quick decision without consulting the public to cover the Centennial pool at Heritage Park and build a single ice pad at Central Park.

The two projects will cost $11.6 million plus operating costs.

The decision to go with these recreation projects instead of the $35 million Central Park plan for a multi-use facility means the YMCA will no longer be in partnership with the town to build a new pool at its facility.

In a letter to members, obtained by someone in the protest group and posted on Facebook, the Y says it has been asked by the town to manage the Centennial pool and is considering the request and will make the right decision for its members.

Meanwhile, a petition being circulated on Facebook has 566 names on it as of Sunday morning.

The goal is a thousand signatures. 

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