COLLINGWOOD - Council will do a workshop on the Central Park multi-use facility proposal, as it prepares to decide whether it will hand over the work of sounding out the market on a public-private partnership to a consultant.

Last Monday, council deferred a motion to hire Deloitte and Touche to carry out that work, after several councillors expressed reservations to spend $43,000 on a consultant; council did approve a motion to create a second committee on the project that would specifically be tasked to determine how to pay for the $35-million proposal.

The facility would include two indoor ice surfaces, a competition-level swimming pool, and be tied into the YMCA and curling club, with community space. The existing ball diamonds at Central Park would be moved to a location still to be determined, while the lawn bowling club would remain.


COLLINGWOOD -Collingwood Council voted to develop a steering committee for Phase 2 of the Collingwood Central Park Recreation Centre.

Council made the decision on Monday evening.

The committee would be comprised of community members and would have skills in economic development, government relations, public and private partnerships, financial analysis and communications. 

COLLINGWOOD - Councillors have OKed a new committee that will be tasked with finding a way to pay for the proposed multi-use facility at Central Park.

In March, council endorsed - in principle - a roadmap for the proposed $35-million plan based on the recommendations of a committee, and on Monday night set in motion plans to create a second committee to explore "viable funding options."

That committee would be expected to report back to council in September.