COLLINGWOOD - Councillors gave a unanimous thumb's up - in principle - to see Central Park redeveloped into a multi-use recreational site.

On Monday night, councillors approved the recommended scenario, which would see a double ice pad tied into the curling club and the YMCA at the park at the corner of Paterson and Hume streets; the development would also include a six-lane, 25-metre competition pool.

The only question, which should be answered in six months, is how the town will pay for the project, which has an estimated price tag of about $35 million.

On Monday night, Collingwood councillors will -- once again -- be faced with determining the future of the community's recreational facilities.

We've been down this road before, notably back in 2004, when council flip-flopped about three times before ultimately reaching a decision not to move ahead with a project in the town's west end -- and essentially handing back nearly $8.4 million to the federal and provincial governments.

But that's in the past, and now it's time to look toward the future.

COLLINGWOOD - Councillors will wait until March 19 before deciding whether they like the proposed scenario to turn Central Park into a $35 million multi-use recreational facility.

Councillor deferred that motion, along with another motion asking town staff to develop actions and timelines for all other recommendations as outlined in the steering committee final report to be presented within six months.

Council did go ahead with developing a funding strategy, with recommendations to be presented within six months. 

COLLINGWOOD - The municipality needs to spend the next six months laying out a strategy to pay for a multi-use recreational facility at Central Park.

That's one of the chief recommendations to come out of a report to be presented to council on Monday night by the committee charged with developing a plan to revamp the park and forge a partnership with the YMCA to provide recreational services.

The project would include a double ice pad that would be tied into the existing curling club and the Y; the Y's facilities would include a new six-lane, 25-metre competition pool.